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Short frame end Mk2 for Tamiya 1/14 trucks


You can buy with or without light holder.
We have 2 types of light mount: 
 - Arocs type
 - Straight type
Please make sure that You have chosen the version
that You are interested in. 
Information about chosen light holder type and plate please make in Additional 
information after buing. If there is no information, parts will be selected randomly.
After purchase you will receive: 
- Parts for assembly frame end
- Needed screws
- Assembly instruction
Cross member fits into the standard Tamiya frames and those available in us. 
You may need drill some holes for M1,6 screws
This product is intended for people over 14 years of age. 

Kort rygg med stötfångare av Arocs-typ för Tamiya 1/14 lastbil

SKU: 000025
PrisFrån 20,00£
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